Ukraine and European priorities | The Russian invasion of Ukraine abruptly transformed attitudes and policies in Europe …
Obituary for Antonio Martino “Essere liberale oggi significa saper essere conservatore, quando si tratta di difendere libertà già acquisite, e radicale, quando si tratta di conquistare spazi di libertà ancora negati. Reazionario per recuperare libertà che sono andate smarrite, rivoluzionario quando la conquista della libertà non lascia spazio ad al altrettante alternative. E progressista sempre, […]
Beyond the Ukraine War | Whatever the outcome of the war in Ukraine, eventually the West, and especially Europe, will have to learn to live with Russia, finding a path forward based on mutual respect. An unfortunate fate has befallen Ukraine. On one hand, it has become a bargaining chip in a larger security confrontation […]
The people of Ukraine have shown great bravery and determination in the face of invading Russian forces …
People in Western democracies are losing trust in government, but that is hardly a surprise. Political mediocrity has caused leaders to make promises they cannot keep while shunning other points of view. Nothing less than freedom itself is at stake …