There is all the difference in the world between treating people equally and attempting to make them equal. While the first is the condition of a free society, the second means, as De Tocqueville described it, ‘a new form of servitude.’
F.A.von Hayek
XIX. International Gottfried von Haberler Conference
Socialism in a New Disquise: D.E.I.
– what is next?
University of Liechtenstein
Vaduz, May 23, 2025
Organized and hosted by European Center of Austrian Economics Foundation (
The support of the University of Liechtenstein and multiple local and international sponsors is gratefully acknowledged
Academic Director: Kurt R. Leube Tel. +1 650 248 4955 ( Tel. +43 676 942 8980
Entrance fee regular -> EUR 150
Entrance fee for students -> EUR 50
CONTACT FOR INVITATIONS & Administration: Rosmarie Lutziger, Tel. +423 235 1570 (
Media Matters: Laura Gianesi, Tel. +423 235 2344 (
Any other questions: (
Conference Program May 23, 2025
Please note: Some titles may still be changed. Post-conference video interviews: May 24, 9:30 – 11:30.
Welcome/Opening Remarks: H.S.H. Prince Michael of Liechtenstein
Session I: ‘If Thought Corrupts Language, Language can also Corrupt Thought’ (9:00-10:45)
Chair: Peter Fischer (CH)
Selbstbestimmung: Die Austrian School zu D.E.I.: Michael Esfeld (CH/D)
On Biased Group Think in Today’s Politics and Academia: Elena Leontjeva (LT)
Session II: On Siren Songs and Demagoguery (11:10-12:50)
Chair: Hardy Bouillon (D)
On Individual Freedom, Equity and Social Justice: Wanjiru Njoya (UK)
Durch gesellschaftlichen Zwang zum kollektiven Denken: Philipp Batthyany (D)
Session III: On the Procrustean Ideal and its Shrouded Methods (14:15-17:45)
Chair: Michael Wohlgemuth (D)
Über die Varianten des Sozialismus von 1945 bis ‘Woke’: Karl-Peter Schwarz (A)
On the Motivations and Implications of Critical Social Justice: Erec Smith(USA)
Farewell Address: H.S.H. Prince Michael of Liechtenstein
Cocktail Reception at Vaduz Castle