
Karl-Peter Schwarz im Interview mit Wirtschaftsphilosoph und Unternehmensberater Hardy Bouillon. Aufgenommen im Zuge der 14. Gottfried-von-Haberler Konferenz 2018 in Vaduz (FL)*  Zusammenfassung des Konferenz-Vortrags von Hardy Bouillon “Freiheit durch Sozialismus? Der Mythos Karl Marx” Wenn es um das Verhältnis von Freiheit und Sozialismus geht, dann ranken sich zwei Mythen um Karl Marx. Beide behaupten, dass […]

Interview with Spanish politician and economist Pedro Schwartz*. Recorded at the 14th Gottfried-von-Haberler Conference 2018 in Vaduz (FL)  Summary of Pedro Schwartz’ talk: “The Communist Manifesto and the Lure of Scientific Socialism” The Communist Manifesto (1848) was an explosive pamphlet written by Karl Marx with the help of Friedrich Engels, where he predicted the inevitable of […]

Peruvian lawyer, professor and free market intellectual Enrique Ghersi’s* Talk “Peru: A not-so Shining Path”, held at the 14th Gottfried-von-Haberler Conference 2018 in Vaduz (FL) *Enrique Ghersi held his talk at the 14th International Gottfried von Haberler Conference which took place on May 25, 2018 in Vaduz, at University of Liechtenstein. Topic: “Karl Marx: Born 1818 and Still […]

“Money is not an invention of the state. It is not the product of a legislative act. Even the sanction of political authority is not necessary for its existence. Certain commodities came to be money quite naturally, as the result of economic relationships that were independent of the power of the state.”  Carl Menger (1840-1921) […]

The key to the intricate and massive system of thought created by Karl Marx (1818-83) is at bottom simple: Karl Marx was a communist …

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