
  In ökonomischer Hinsisicht ist jeder, der einen freien Beruf gewählt hat, Unternehmer. (From an economic point of view, anyone who has chosen a freelance profession is an entrepreneur) Martha St. Browne   Even if Martha Steffy Browne did not publish many books or lengthy scholarly essays, her book Theorie der staatlichen Wirtschaftspolitik (1929) was […]

While the U.S. and the euro area appear to have avoided the worst, much depends on how central banks will react to unanticipated news in the coming months.   Inflation is still high, but under control – or so the world of business and financial markets believes. In the euro area, year-on-year consumer prices rose […]

Prof. Pedro Schwartz of CATO Institute – speaking at XVI. International Gottfried von Haberler Conference. University of Liechtenstein Vaduz: May 20, 2022. Find more materials here -> https://ecaef.org/conferences/gottfried-von-haberler-conference-2020/

The EU’s latest AI draft legislation risks stifling innovation in Europe and opens the door to misuse by governments. The European Parliament has recently endorsed preliminary legislation referred to as the AI Act, geared toward the regulation of artificial intelligence. Much like the financial industry’s regulations, this legislation adopts a “risk-based approach.” This method prioritizes areas […]

   … ein äusserst kunstreich erdachtes, mit fablehafter Kombinationskraft in zahllosen Gedankenetagen aufgebautes, mit bewundernswerter Geisteskraft zusammengehaltenes  –  Kartenhaus. Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk (1851-1914)   Take Away Although pushed into the wastebin of economic theories more than 100 years ago, Marxism much more than any other ‘ism’, is liable to recurrent fads and the periodic rediscovery […]

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