Essays & News
Regulations took care of the most serious issues. Now it’s time for markets to handle the rest, says Terry Anderson. By Valentin Schmid, Epoch Times The days when political lines could be drawn in terms of where one stood on the environment are over. Everybody wants cleaner air, open spaces, vibrant wildlife, and lusher vegetation. […]
Everything you always wanted to know about the Austrian School of Economics by Alvino-Mario Fantini Speaking about Austrian Economics—or, rather, ‘the Austrian Tradition’—is often met with raised eyebrows. It’s not just that the vast majority of people are unacquainted with this tradition. It’s more a consequence of having been purposefully ignored by the leading departments of […]
13. Haberler-Konferenz in Vaduz, Bericht von Peter A. Fischer (erschienen in der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung am 21.5.2017) Passend zur Schweizer Energiestrategie wurde an der Liechtensteiner Haberler-Konferenz vor dem Gift der Subventionitis gewarnt. «Österreichische» Einsichten täten der Geld- und Umweltpolitik gut. «Das grösste Problem mit Subventionen ist nicht, was sie kosten, sondern was sie kaufen», lautete […]
The National Front’s lead in France’s election campaign has once again put the spotlight on populism. “Populism” has become a buzzword that is increasingly used as a negative label meant to discredit non-mainstream movements and kill any substantive discussion about the merits of their proposals. Such methods are intellectually arrogant. They imply a disrespect for […]
Behavioral scientists have observed that man as a species has developed an ability to ignore threatening or negative information. We tend not to look closely at bank statements showing debt or disturbing results of medical tests. Surprisingly, people with higher IQs are even more prone to this mental displacement than the less gifted. Such behavior […]