Essays & News
Our ECAEF team wishes all its friends and supporters a Merry Christmas 2018 and a Happy New Year. Don’t forget to mark your calendars: Vernon-Smith-Prize Winners Ceremony on Feb 4, 2019 in Vaduz (FL) 15th Gottfried v. Haberler Conference on May 17, 2019 in Vaduz (FL) 4th Jacques Rueff Conference in December 2019 in Monaco
Dear friends. As usual, I was right. The United Nations climate summit in Katowice, that little Polish city created by coal and forged by fire, came to an end marked by: There was an agreement to continue negotiations A “thin” rulebook has been agreed upon The “thin rulebook” contains principles and further workstreams The market […]
This paper was presented at the III. ECAEF/CEPROM Conference on “Concurrent Currencies: Curse or Cure?” in Monaco on Dec. 6, 2018. These academic conferences in honor of Jacques Rueff are planned and organized by ECAEF (European Center of Austrian Economics Foundation, Liechtenstein) and hosted in Monaco by CEPROM (Center of Economic Research for Monaco). Abstract […]
von Karl-Peter Schwarz* Keine Generation hatte es so leicht wie die der Geburtsjahrgänge von 1945 bis 1955, und keine wurde so gnadenlos gefordert und geprüft wie die Generation ihrer Eltern. Der Unterschied zwischen den Lebenswelten derer, die in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts aufwuchsen, und jener, die in seiner zweiten Hälfte in die Welt […]
Small polities have different advantages. Because of their smallness, they can be more efficient; this allows them to be alert to opportunities. Because of their social tissue, small polities have the advantage of self-regulating through bonding and bridging, i.e. through social capital, rather than through bureaucracy. Social capital increases with its usage and is a […]