Essays & News
Demography is Diversity. Diversity is being driven by demography. The dramatic change in the U.S. population from 88.3% White in 1940 to a projected 42.6% White in 2060 (Whites will cease being a majority sometime around 2042-45) must necessarily change the composition and leadership of nearly every American organization and institution.I have raised a number […]
An economy is a complex, interactive structure. On one side, it engages suppliers and providers of goods and services; intermediaries such as trading companies, the transport industry and the financial system; and, finally, on the other side, consumers. It is a matrix of collaboration involving millions of agents with differing interests and business models …
On February 4, the 11th Vernon Smith Prize was awarded in Vaduz, Liechtenstein. The award ceremony took place in the Hofkellerei Vaduz. In their essays, the young contenders dealt with the pros and cons of genetic engineering. The winner was the Argentine Sebastian Ariel Abella. Students from all over the world wrote essays in the […]
Am 4. Februar wurde in Vaduz der 11. Vernon Smith Prize verliehen. Die jungen Preisträger befassten sich in ihren Essays mit den Chancen und Risiken der Gentechnologie. Sieger wurde der Argentinier Sebastian Ariel Abella. Die Preisverleihung fand in der Vaduzer Hofkellerei statt. Studierende aus aller Welt verfassten im Vorfeld des 11. Vernon Smith Preises Essays […]
Zum 70. Jubiläum der ‘sozialen Marktwirtschaft werden wahrscheinlich viele Publikationen dem so genannten deutschen Wirtschaftswunder gewidmet sein, wobei Alfred Müller-Armack (1901-1978) eine wichtige Rolle einnehmen wird …