Essays & News
Markets work efficiently when they are based on competition. Cartels are damaging, and rightly are not allowed, because they eliminate competition. A successful internal market needs regional and regulatory competition, something that some countries – mostly those with excessive cost structures – frown upon. They use the terms “race to the bottom” and “unfair competition” […]
by Federico Salazar (Mises Institute, Peru) Eugen Böhm v. Bawerk “Der Zweck der Volkswirtschaft” | This last book commentary was published in Neue Freie Presse, on Feb 2, 1910. I was very lucky to find it during my research for another topic in the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek digital service. Reading Böhm-Bawerk the theorist, the polemicist and […]
Call for Papers! The 10th International Vernon Smith Prize for the Advancement of Austrian Economics is an essay competition sponsored and organized by ECAEF European Center of Austrian Economics Foundation, Vaduz (Principality of Liechtenstein). This years’ topic: Does Tolerance become a Crime when applied to Evil? |- First Prize EUR 4,000 -| |- Second Prize […]
Prag, September 2017 Über Sinn und Zweck individueller Freiheit | Was bedeutet eigentlich Freiheit von Mangel oder Furcht? Was heisst Freiheit zu, etwa zum freien Erwerb von Drogen? Lässt sich Freiheit überhaupt mit einer klaren Definition fassen, oder ist dieser Begriff dem Zeitgeist, den geografischen, gesellschaftlichen, kulturellen und anderen Einflüssen unterworfen? Brauchen wir nicht den […]
Introduzione “E’ stato detto che la democrazia è la peggior forma di governo, eccezion fatta per tutte quelle altre forme che si sono sperimentate finora”. Così, letteralmente, Winston Churchill fissava un principio fondamentale di supremazia storica del regime democratico nel discorso rivolto alla Camera dei comuni alla fine della seconda guerra mondiale nel 1947. A […]