Essays & News
The following downloadable essay explores possibilities and limitations of applying blockchain distributed ledger technology to select aspects of the Paris Agreement, especially to issues under Article 6 (and, where relevant, Articles 4, and 13). Through the application of blockchain, double counting (and similar concerns) can be mitigated while making reporting, tracking and managing corresponding adjustments […]
Today, ECAEF announced date and topic of this year’s International CEPROM/ECAEF Conference. Please mark your calendar …
Die Chancen stehen gut, dass das aktuelle Börsendrama als «Corona-Crash» in die Geschichtsbücher eingehen wird. Mit dieser Fokussierung auf den Trigger würde jedoch etwas Wesentliches übersehen …
Best Books on the Folly of Socialism: What everyone should know about the practical and moral failures of the socialist project, compiled by Dr. Williamson M. Evers …
Opinion: Harmful attempts to plan and regulate the global economy. GIS Statement by Prince Michael of Liechtenstein …