Austrian Economics
by Paul Butler When monetary theory comes up in reference to Bitcoin, the work of Friedrich von Hayek is often invoked. I have read a number of claims that the Nobel laureate’s 1976 book, Denationalisation of Money,1 lays the theoretical foundation for the cryptocurrencies we see today. In this post, I will argue that the […]
Karl Marx: Born 1818 and Still Going Strong? (Karl Marx: Mythos und Realität) The XIV. International Gottfried von Haberler Conference will take place on May 25, 2018 in Vaduz, at University of Liechtenstein. Topic: “Karl Marx: Born 1818 and Still Going Strong?” – German: “Karl Marx: Mythos und Realität”. The event will be organized and hosted […]
Essay von Werner von Tabarelli* Als Gegenbild zur feudalen Willkürherrschaft haben die Gelehrten des Mittelalters auf dem moralischen Fundament der jüdisch-christlichen Nächstenliebe den naturrechtlichen Rahmen abgesteckt, innerhalb dessen ein friedliches Miteinander der Menschen in Freiheit möglich wäre. Die Ausbeute dieser Tradition, die sich über ein Jahrtausend hinzog, lässt sich wie folgt zusammenfassen: Den natürlichen Rechten […]
by Federico Salazar (Mises Institute, Peru) Looking for some essays by Ludwig von Mises to be translated into Spanish for the new Mises Institute Peru, I was glad to find an unknown and non inventoried review by Mises of a book written in Polish and also a review by Carl Menger on the teaching of […]
GIS statement by Prince Michael of Liechtenstein Indonesia, the world’s fourth-largest country population-wise, is the world’s largest exporter of palm oil. The value of this export exceeds $12 billion per year, which accounts for some 8 percent of the value of Indonesia’s total exports. Palm oil production and export is a crucial part of the […]