
13th Gottfried-von-Haberler Conference in Vaduz, May 19, 2017 Modern environmentalism and neo-classical economics have more in common than is often thought, but the commonalities too often cloud how markets and the environment can be productively linked. The commonalities include a focus on equilibrium systems and on the inability of humans to integrate into those systems. […]

Paper by Johan Norberg 13. Gottfried von Haberler Conference in Vaduz, May 19, 2017 Few things are more popular than free stuff, and many politicians have built a career on handing out generous subsidies to preferred businesses and groups. This has been the case since the first cities in Mesopotamia, when a class of rulers […]

A Seminar for Scholars, Journalists and Entrepreneurs   «If thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.» George Orwell Date: June 15, 2017 Location: Unitelma Sapienza Campus, Rome, Italy Admission: free Language: simultaneous Italian/English translation, both ways Literature/Documents: Relevant literature (reader, short essays, …) will be supplied ahead of seminar Academic Directors: Francesco Avallone, UTS (I) and Kurt R. […]

The National Front’s lead in France’s election campaign has once again put the spotlight on populism. “Populism” has become a buzzword that is increasingly used as a negative label meant to discredit non-mainstream movements and kill any substantive discussion about the merits of their proposals. Such methods are intellectually arrogant. They imply a disrespect for […]

Behavioral scientists have observed that man as a species has developed an ability to ignore threatening or negative information. We tend not to look closely at bank statements showing debt or disturbing results of medical tests. Surprisingly, people with higher IQs are even more prone to this mental displacement than the less gifted. Such behavior […]

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Liechtenstein Academy | private, educational foundation (FL)
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