Essays & News
Schweizer Wirtschaftsbrief, 31. Mai 2019 Verkannt und angeprangert: Wie bei der Gentechnologie Fortschritt verhindert wird. XV. Gottfried von Haberler Konferenz in Vaduz mit internationalen Fachexperten. Seit Jahrtausenden nutzt der Mensch biotechnologische Verfahren – trotz- dem ist der Begriff Biotechnik für die breite Öffentlichkeit weitgehend unklar. Genauso wie bei der seit Jahren kontrovers diskutierten Gentechnik mögen […]
Vaduz, May 17, 2019. The 15th international Gottfried von Haberler Conference took place at University of Liechtenstein. This year’s topic: When Naive Presumptions prompt Hasty Judgments – On the Benefits and Problems of Genetic Engineering. The event was organized and hosted by ECAEF (European Center of Austrian Economics Foundation). Support came from the University and multiple local and international sponsors. You can download the speeches / essays held at the Conference right here …
Gottfried von Haberler-Konferenz 2019 – Was liberale Ökonomen zur Gen- und Biotechnologie zu sagen haben …
Information – data – is supposed to be the critical “raw material” for the economy, business and society heading into the future. We must therefore conclude that data have value. We know from experience that if goods and services are not scarce or do not have a price, they will be spoiled or misused. Damaging […]
“The key to the intricate and massive system of thought created by Karl Marx … is at bottom simple: Karl Marx was a communist”. Rothbard (1995, 317) succinctly makes a crucial point for understanding Marx: His ideas are not primarily about economics, sociology, of philosophy – let alone about singular or aggregate law-like relationships such […]