free market
Tariffs are among President Trump’s most controversial initiatives. Yes, tariffs – those deplorable taxes that apply to all, benefit few, and are despised universally by every living economist and approximately 99% of the dead ones. Across the major schools of economic thought, economists (notoriously) agree on little. Tariffs are one of the few exceptions. […]
A very short appreciation of Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) and his opus magnum No one has a right to compel me to be happy in the peculiar way in which he may think of the well-being of other men; but everyone is entitled to seek his own happiness in the way that seems to […]
In late April 2023, United States National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan disclosed the new global economic guidelines that the current administration would pursue during its remaining months and, if secured, the next term. In contrast with the past, the guidelines’ creators believe that free market-recipes are no longer good enough to respond to the challenges […]