
The 7th International Vernon Smith Prize for the Advancement of Austrian Economics is sponsored and organized by ECAEF – European Center of Austrian Economics Foundation, Vaduz (Principality of Liechtenstein). This years topic of the Essay Competion: “Trusting Politicians with Our Money is like Leaving a Cat in Charge of a Cream Jug” |- First Prize EUR […]

On June 6, 2014, Germany’s largest tabloid newspaper, Bild, appeared with the headline ‘How bad can poverty get in old age?’ (Wie schlimm wird die Altersarmut?), writes Marc Zahn, Director & COO at Industrie- und Finanzkontor in Vaduz, Liechtenstein. In the text they use the word ‘Zins-Klau’ a slang expression for ‘stealing interest’. All this […]

In a new book “Environmental Markets”  Terry L. Anderson and Gary D. Libecap explain the prospects of using markets to improve environmental quality and resource conservation. No other book focuses on a property rights approach using environmental markets to solve environmental problems. Anderson and Libecap apply this approach to land, water, wildlife, fisheries, and air. The […]

Economics, Politics, Philosophy, and the Arts. Essays in Honor of H.S.H. Prince Philipp of Liechtenstein (2nd edition), ed. Kurt R. Leube. The essays included in this celebratory volume have been selected from the large group of renowned scholars and experts closely connected with the European Center of Austrian Economics (www.ecaef.li). This collection of academic writings […]

Our Partners

Liechtenstein Academy | private, educational foundation (FL)
Altas Network | economic research foundation (USA)
Austrian Economics Center | Promoting a free, responsible and prosperous society (Austria)
Berlin Manhatten Institute | non-profit Think Tank (Germany)
Buchausgabe.de | Buecher fuer den Liberalismus (Germany)
Cato Institute | policy research foundation (USA)
Center for the New Europe | research foundation (Belgium)
Forum Ordnungspolitik
Friedrich Naumann Stiftung
George Mason University
Heartland Institute
Hayek Institut
Hoover Institution
Istituto Bruno Leoni
Institut Václava Klause
Instytut Misesa
IREF | Institute of Economical and Fiscal Research
Johns Hopkins Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health, and the Study of Business Enterprise | an interdivisional Institute between the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, and the Whiting School of Engineering
Liberales Institut
Liberty Fund
Ludwig von Mises Institute
New York University | Dept. of Economics (USA)
Stockholm Network
Students for Liberty
Swiss Mises Institute
Universidad Francisco Marroquin