
Lately, Africa has had a procession of high-profile visitors. In July and August, French President Emmanuel Macron toured several nations as did Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan preceded them late last year and again in February of this year while British Prime Minister […]

The International Vernon Smith Prize is an essay competition for the advancement of Austrian Economics – sponsored and organized by ECAEF – the EUROPEAN CENTER OF AUSTRIAN ECONOMICS FOUNDATION, Vaduz (Principality of Liechtenstein). Topic for the 2022 competition: 1st Prize: €4,000 2nd Prize: €3,000 3rd Prize: €2,000 The wisdom that people lose their freedom as soon […]

For years, the ECB has egregiously violated its own statutes. Today’s high inflation is the predictable result. For the first time in more than 10 years, the European Central Bank has increased its key interest rate, raising it by 0.5 percent. The move follows a long period of decreasing interest rates and pumping money into […]

On May 20, 2022, the 16th Gottfried von Haberler Conference was held at the University of Liechtenstein – “On the Morality of the State and the State of Political Morals”. In today’s article, we publish the talk given by Terry L. Anderson at the Haberler Conference. It was titled “Restoring Liberty for American Indians”. Terry […]

Sorry, on Inflation We Were Wrong | Over the last two months, top officials of the two most important central banks in the world, the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank, have publicly admitted that they have made big mistakes in considering the 2021-2022 inflationary surge afflicting the global economy only as a mere “temporary” phenomenon …

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Liechtenstein Academy | private, educational foundation (FL)
Altas Network | economic research foundation (USA)
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Buchausgabe.de | Buecher fuer den Liberalismus (Germany)
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Forum Ordnungspolitik
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Istituto Bruno Leoni
Institut Václava Klause
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IREF | Institute of Economical and Fiscal Research
Johns Hopkins Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health, and the Study of Business Enterprise | an interdivisional Institute between the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, and the Whiting School of Engineering
Liberales Institut
Liberty Fund
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Universidad Francisco Marroquin