Mark your Calendar! 16th Gottfried von Haberler Conference Date: 20 May 2022 On the Morality of the State and the State of Political Morals (With some Hints on the Lack of Political Accountability) Über die Hybris der Staaten und den Zustand politischer Moral The 16th Gottfried von Haberler Conference will take place on May 20, […]
Can Russia’s tax system withstand sanctions? Russia’s tax regime puts a heavy burden on labor costs and has done little to remedy the economy’s dependence on oil and gas exports. The Russian tax system began to take shape after the collapse of the Soviet Union in December 1991. That month, a law “on the fundamentals […]
Ukraine requires unity | The EU must show unity with Poland and Hungary as Russia’s war rages …
Ukraine and European priorities | The Russian invasion of Ukraine abruptly transformed attitudes and policies in Europe …
Obituary for Antonio Martino “Essere liberale oggi significa saper essere conservatore, quando si tratta di difendere libertà già acquisite, e radicale, quando si tratta di conquistare spazi di libertà ancora negati. Reazionario per recuperare libertà che sono andate smarrite, rivoluzionario quando la conquista della libertà non lascia spazio ad al altrettante alternative. E progressista sempre, […]