Essays & News

Just off the press: A brand new book presented by H.S.H. Prince Philipp of Liechtenstein at Pedro Schwartz’ 90th Birthday.   Indeed, economic analysis is woefully shortsighted when not grounded on a solid basis of liberal political philosophy. And conversely, political philosophy will be buffeted by the currents and crosswinds of mere fashion if […]

Violent crime is on the rise in many European countries, and internal security is worsening. Germany has seen cases of unprovoked attacks, some with knives and others with automobiles. Most recently in Aschaffenburg, Bavaria, an Afghan immigrant attacked children from a kindergarten, killing a two year-old and a courageous passerby who gave his life to protect the […]

  When Xi Jinping became president in March 2013, there was widespread optimism across China. At that time, many Chinese economists held a linear viewpoint, believing that the country’s development would progress continuously. However, today, China finds itself trapped in a deflationary cycle. Deflation occurs when weak demand leads to falling prices for goods and services, […]

  The Chinese economy is in trouble, and there is little hope for a recovery. Although its annual gross domestic product (GDP) growth has remained just under 5 percent over the past three years, doubts about the meaning of that figure are growing. Growth in fixed investments (machinery and equipment) has slowed considerably, from 9.9 percent […]

Štěpán Drábek is a young Czech economist and commentator. Since August 2024 he has been the head of the analytical team of ECONET, the association of winners of the Economics Olympiad. He is also an analyst at the Centre for Economic and Market Analysis (CETA) as well as at the Institute of Liberal Studies. In his […]

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