Essays & News
In Germany, during Angela Merkel’s 16-year tenure, we witnessed a strategic shift of the Christian Democrats towards socialism to capture voters from the left. Ms. Merkel masterfully marketed her politics of stagnation as stability. The result was steady decline, culminating in the dysfunctional coalition between the Social Democrats, Greens and Liberals. Infrastructure is now […]
Tariffs are among President Trump’s most controversial initiatives. Yes, tariffs – those deplorable taxes that apply to all, benefit few, and are despised universally by every living economist and approximately 99% of the dead ones. Across the major schools of economic thought, economists (notoriously) agree on little. Tariffs are one of the few exceptions. […]
All of Europe is closely watching France, the eurozone’s second-largest economy. The mix of political instability and financial issues in the ‘Grande Nation’ is concerning. France’s public debt last year reached an estimated 112 percent of its gross domestic product (GDP), accounting for one-fourth of total European Union public debt. In July 2024, the EU […]
Most political theories assert that protection against foreign invaders is one of the main functions of the state. However, excluding years when countries were engaged in active warfare, the proportion of global government spending on defense in relation to gross domestic product (GDP) has remained relatively modest. For instance, from the conclusion of the […]
As Europe navigates a complex landscape of internal and external pressures, an urgent question emerges: Are European nations prepared to defend their interests? Many countries in the continent are experiencing conflicting emotions regarding internal security, caught between despair and resignation. Key factors contributing to this unease include the influx of non-European immigrants and the lax […]