Essays & News

Following Israel’s initial response to the brutal Hamas attack of October 7, aggressive anti-Israeli riots erupted around the world and persisted for several days. The violence was particularly evident in Berlin, London and throughout France. Those involved in the disturbances seemingly disregarded the fact that Israeli civilians were victims of horrific atrocities, which forced the country’s armed forces to […]

  Since Chinese President Xi Jinping forced his way into a third term of office, he has tried to build up a great image of himself as an all-knowing leader. He wants Chinese people to learn from his “theories,” especially economic ones. Recently, during the BRICS summit in South Africa, Xinhua News Agency held a […]

  In contrast with earlier predictions, most pundits now believe that the fight against inflation will not produce widespread recession. Current worries focus on the consequences of the Chinese slowdown rather than on the performance of the Western economies. Yet, growth in the West remains far from stellar. In the United States, gross domestic product […]

Hamas, a Palestinian terrorist organization that controls the Gaza Strip and Palestinian territories in the West Bank, attacked Israel out of Gaza in a brutal and cruel fashion. Over a thousand civilians have been slaughtered, including the most vulnerable, children, infants and the elderly. More than a hundred have been kidnapped as hostages. Gaza is […]

  One of Argentina’s most frequently raised objections to dollarization is the immediate concern of a potential bank run. If deposits were to be dollarized without a sufficient reserve of actual dollars, people would rush to withdraw their dollars from banks, precipitating a run. This fear is particularly concerning given Argentina’s current economic situation, where […]

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