Essays & News
I set out to become the greatest lover in Vienna, the greatest horseman in Austria, and the greatest economist in the world. Alas, for the illusions of youth: as a horseman, I was never really first-rate. Joseph A. Schumpeter Take Away Joseph A. Schumpeter is considered one of the most influential social scholars […]
400 Jahre ökonomische Ideengeschichte in Europa. Von Descartes über Menger und Boltzmann zu Hayek. Werner Tabarelli Noch um 1500 verkündete der Prediger Geiler von Kaysersberg den unveränderlichen Willen Gottes von den Kanzeln: Friede macht Reichtum, Reichtum macht Übermut, Übermut bringt Krieg, Krieg bringt Armut, Armut macht Demut und Demut macht wieder Frieden. An […]
We are very excited to share that Europe’s largest pro-liberty event is coming to Prague! The 13th LibertyCon Europe by Students For Liberty will be held in the Czech Republic in 2025. Come and hear renowned speakers such as Johan Norberg, Lawrence Reed, David Friedman, Deirdre McCloskey and many more. Save the date, and […]
The exchange of hostages kept by Hamas in Gaza was deeply shocking. On October 7, 2023, the murderous terrorists not only butchered nearly 1,200 innocent people but also took hundreds of hostages, including small children. They kept them in terrible conditions and murdered many of them. In February, they staged gruesome displays when exchanging hostages […]
If it is the rule of the game that two persons may dispossess a third who must submit to being dispossessed, the rule is unjust. Anthony de Jasay Take Away Based on a solid epistemology, the main aim of Anthony de Jasay’s philosophical work was to reformulate political and economic liberalism. His writings offer […]