Kurt R. Leube
… ein äusserst kunstreich erdachtes, mit fablehafter Kombinationskraft in zahllosen Gedankenetagen aufgebautes, mit bewundernswerter Geisteskraft zusammengehaltenes – Kartenhaus. Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk (1851-1914) Take Away Although pushed into the wastebin of economic theories more than 100 years ago, Marxism much more than any other ‘ism’, is liable to recurrent fads and the periodic rediscovery […]
On a few of F. A. v. Hayek’s activities prior, during and after WWII. Based on my conversations with F.A. von Hayek (1969-1991 and research in the Hoover Institution’s Archives (HIA), this short essay touches upon just a few of von Hayek’s many efforts to fight Nazism and to revive the tradition of the Austrian […]
There is no art which one government sooner learns of another than that of draining money from the pockets of the people. Adam Smith Today Adam Smith’s reputation rests on his explanation of how rational self-interest in a free-market economy leads to economic well-being. It may surprise those who would discount Smith as an […]
I Soon after “Maggie” Thatcher was elected leader of the British Conservative Party in 1975, she impatiently interrupted the previous speaker in an important political strategy discussion, slammed F.A. von Hayek’s book The Constitution of Liberty on the table and made it clear to the assembled party leadership that this work was her economic and […]
The Fable of the Bees: Private Vices, Publick Benefits. Ein paar Bemerkungen zum 290. Todesjahr von Bernard de Mandeville. The worst of all the multitude did something for the common good. Bernard de Mandeville (1670-1733) I Über Persönlichkeit und Charakter Bernard de Mandeville’s ist trotz seiner Berühmheit relativ wenig bekannt. Es git jedoch weitgehend als […]