US elections
The dice are cast. The elections are over. GIS does not usually look back, but in this case it is justified as the presidential vote in the United States signals changes to come, with implications for the future. Illogic dominated right from the beginning. Let us start with the Democrats. It is difficult to understand […]
“The press does not tell us what to think, it tells us what to think about.” This phrase by Walter Lippmann (1889-1974), a pioneer of ethical journalism, captures the essence of the media’s role in society. Free media is essential in a free society, providing citizens with the information they need to make enlightened […]
Friends and adversaries will challenge and test the administration. Even when successive presidents are from the same political party, such as the administrations of Ronald Reagan (1981-1989) and George Bush (1989-1993), American foreign policy contains elements of both continuity and change. If Kamala Harris succeeds Joe Biden as the president of the United […]