
400 Jahre ökonomische Ideengeschichte in Europa. Von Descartes über Menger und Boltzmann zu Hayek. Werner Tabarelli Noch um 1500 verkündete der Prediger Geiler von Kaysersberg den unveränderlichen Willen Gottes von den Kanzeln:   Friede macht Reichtum, Reichtum macht Übermut, Übermut bringt Krieg, Krieg bringt Armut, Armut macht Demut und Demut macht wieder Frieden.   An […]

Štěpán Drábek is a young Czech economist and commentator. Since August 2024 he has been the head of the analytical team of ECONET, the association of winners of the Economics Olympiad. He is also an analyst at the Centre for Economic and Market Analysis (CETA) as well as at the Institute of Liberal Studies. In his […]

  Economics holds a unique status among other sciences. However, rather than being its privilege, this is in some respects its unfavourable feature, which often causes difficulties for its scholars. For the work of an economist is by its very nature a somewhat thankless one, when he must avoid the effort of gaining public recognition […]

  Nobody can be a great economist who is only an economist – and I am even tempted to add that the economist who is only an economist is likely to become a nuisance if not a positive danger. F.A. von Hayek   TAKE AWAY Nobel Laureate Friedrich A. von Hayek was arguably the most seminal […]

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Liechtenstein Academy | private, educational foundation (FL)
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