The citizens of the United States have cast their votes and given their verdict after an extremely ugly campaign that took a strange turn as early as the primaries. The Democrats started almost immediately with two main candidates, which led to a less-than-impressive campaign for the nomination. The Republicans had many potential standard-bearers, but no […]
Call for Papers! Just 6 Days left The 9th International Vernon Smith Prize for the Advancement of Austrian Economics is an essay competition sponsored and organized by ECAEF European Center of Austrian Economics Foundation, Vaduz (Principality of Liechtenstein). This years’ topic: Direct Democracy versus Representative Democracy. Cost and Benefits for the Citizenry! |- First Prize […]
Many well-meaning people around the world – especially those in the media and politics – have been shocked by three referenda that have not brought the results they had hoped for. The series started with Brexit. A slight majority in the United Kingdom voted, against the recommendation of their government and advice of European and […]
by Dr. Emanuele Canegrati and Dr. Keith Weiner* According to the latest data released by the European Central Bank on September 2, the outstanding amount of the central bank’s outright operations touched nearly €1.3T, with the lion’s share going to the public sector purchase program (nearly €1T). Table 1 shows the outstanding amount for every […]
The socialist idea of a planned economy is gradually being made a reality by the monetary policies of central banks, such as the United States Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank. The idea is also promoted by a considerable number of western economists and politicians. The conventional wisdom within that group is that economies […]