
GIS statement by Prince Michael of Liechtenstein Indonesia, the world’s fourth-largest country population-wise, is the world’s largest exporter of palm oil. The value of this export exceeds $12 billion per year, which accounts for some 8 percent of the value of Indonesia’s total exports. Palm oil production and export is a crucial part of the […]

Mit Einleitung von Federico Salazar (Mises Peru Institute) Im Namen des Staates is not a very well-known book by Ludwig von Mises. The title refers to such famous dicta as “in name of the Father” or “in the name of God”. To cross from God to State seems quite absurd. But it wasn’t for Ferdinand Lasalle, […]

“We shall all be the gainers if we can create a world fit for small states to live in.” Friedrich A. von Hayek November 23, 2017 Topic: A Case for Europe’s Small States in the III. Millennium The II. International Jacques Rueff Conference is an academic one-day co-operation of CEPROM (Center of Economic Research for Monaco, MC) […]

Regulations took care of the most serious issues. Now it’s time for markets to handle the rest, says Terry Anderson. By Valentin Schmid, Epoch Times The days when political lines could be drawn in terms of where one stood on the environment are over. Everybody wants cleaner air, open spaces, vibrant wildlife, and lusher vegetation. […]

Everything you always wanted to know about the Austrian School of Economics by Alvino-Mario Fantini Speaking about Austrian Economics—or, rather, ‘the Austrian Tradition’—is often met with raised eyebrows.  It’s not just that the vast majority of people are unacquainted with this tradition. It’s more a consequence of having been purposefully ignored by the leading departments of […]

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Liechtenstein Academy | private, educational foundation (FL)
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Forum Ordnungspolitik
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IREF | Institute of Economical and Fiscal Research
Johns Hopkins Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health, and the Study of Business Enterprise | an interdivisional Institute between the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, and the Whiting School of Engineering
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