
  People respond to incentives, not to mandates or regulations. Gary S. Becker   Take Away While Paul A. Samuelson (Nobel Prize 1970), Milton Friedman (Nobel Prize 1976), or George Stigler (Nobel Prize 1982) probably exercised a greater sway on practical economic policy, Gary Becker expanded the scope of economics as a science like no […]

The subtitle of this essay has been borrowed from Terry L. Anderson’s conference on ‘Markets vs. Mandates. Promoting Environmental Quality and Economic Prosperity’, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Jan. 30, 2023. Permission granted. Take Away The scarcity of means to satisfy given ends is an omnipresent condition of life and all conscious human actions profoundly affect […]

  Since Chinese President Xi Jinping forced his way into a third term of office, he has tried to build up a great image of himself as an all-knowing leader. He wants Chinese people to learn from his “theories,” especially economic ones. Recently, during the BRICS summit in South Africa, Xinhua News Agency held a […]

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