Steve Hanke receives honorary doctorate

Svishtov, Bulgaria. June 9, 2019 | Steve Hanke received an honorary doctorate from Bulgaria’s D.A. Tsenov Academy of Economics. It is Professor Hanke’s seventh such award, recognizing his role in the development of the country’s currency board system.

steve hanke
Prof. Steve Hanke. Credit: YouTube

He was recognized by the academy for his pioneering currency board scholarship and his success in designing and implementing Bulgaria’s currency board system. Known as the Father of the Bulgarian currency board, Hanke in July 1997 implemented the currency system that stopped hyperinflation in the country. He has been an adviser to the presidents of Bulgaria and played an important role in establishing new currency regimes in that country and several others.

To conclude the celebration of his honorary doctorate, in April he delivered a lecture at the Tsenov Academy titled “World Hyperinflations: The Bulgarian Episode.”

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*Steve H. Hanke is an American applied economist at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. He is also a Senior Fellow and Director of the Troubled Currencies Project at the libertarian Cato Institute in Washington, DC, and Co-Director of the Johns Hopkins Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health, and the Study of Business Enterprise in Baltimore.

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