Faintheartedness and a lack of responsibility threaten security


President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has been touring capitals in Europe, rallying support for more weapons and the clearance to strike Russian territory. After two and a half years of war, this is Ukraine’s only hope to protect its interests and position itself to reach an acceptable resolution to its war of defense.

Washington and the European capitals promise to support Kyiv and encourage the country to fight for its territorial integrity. Despite considerable support for Ukraine’s defense, the readiness to deliver equipment enabling attacks on supply lines and infrastructure across the former Russian border is weak. There is a lot of babbling about “Ukrainian victory,” but the equipment necessary to achieve it is refused.


So-called ‘leaders’ are petrified of escalation. Unfortunately, escalation is in the nature of war.


So-called “leaders” are petrified of escalation. Unfortunately, escalation is in the nature of war. Moscow plays this card and succeeds. The nuclear stick − threatened by the Kremlin − works in Russia’s favor. NATO countries have to decide between the desire for a Ukrainian success, which means the wide deployment of offensive weapons, or continued bloodshed in a painful, ongoing slaughter on Ukrainian territory.

If in 1940 King George VI and Winston Churchill had shown similar weakness, Hitler might have succeeded.

Lack of conviction

There is also another recent incident of interest. The value of publicly traded defense shares dropped on European markets last week upon rumors that ceasefire negotiations are in the offing.

A momentaneous fluctuation is normally not relevant. What is relevant, however, is that the markets do not seem to trust politicians who promise to establish a credible and effective European defense. The assumption seems to be that politicians in the capitals of Europe will go back to ostrich policies ignoring the root causes of war. Its potential to spread will not disappear with a Ukrainian-Russian ceasefire.

Showing determination

Although the bloodshed is regrettable, Israel is showing determination in establishing and defending its security. The very same people who encourage Ukraine to fight, but refuse to provide full support, are wringing their hands at Israel’s activities. The calls are for Israel to stop. Antisemitic demonstrations against Israel are even promoted in the U.S. and Europe on university campuses and in the streets.

Protesters ignore that the mastermind behind the continued bloodshed in the Middle East is the regime in Tehran. Nobody is demonstrating against them. Tehran’s grim ambitions are destroying Lebanon, once a prosperous country, costing it tens of thousands of lives and displacing millions.

It is ignored that Iranian politics are aimed against genuine Arab interests. The Palestinians too are victims of the Iranian regime’s plot, although this is not frequently acknowledged. A success of the ayatollah’s regime would also become a major threat to peace and security in Europe.

If I were Mr. Putin, I would look at the situation with a satisfied smile. However, as I am not Mr. Putin, but a person who wants freedom, self-determination and peace, I look at the situation with the utmost concern. I also feel shame at the lack of European determination to defend its liberty.


This comment was originally published here: https://www.gisreportsonline.com/r/faintheartedness-security/

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