Mark your calendar: Gottfried von Haberler Conference 2019
When Naive Presumptions
prompt Hasty Judgments:
On the Benefits and Problems
of Genetic Engineering
Wenn Vermutungen zum Urteil werden:
Die Gentechnologie am Pranger
Gottfried von Haberler Conference 2019 | The 15th International Gottfried v. Haberler Conference will take place on May 17, 2019 at University of Liechtenstein in Vaduz. Conference topic: When Naive Presumptions prompt Hasty Judgments: On the Benefits and Problems of Genetic Engineering. The event will be organized and hosted by ECAEF – European Center of Austrian Economics Foundation. The support of the University of Liechtenstein and multiple local and international sponsors is gratefully acknowledged.
By invitation only
Admission: General CHF 150/Euro 150; Students CHF 50/Euro 50
Academic Director: Kurt R. Leube
Tel. +1 650 248 4955 (krleube at
and Tel. +43 676 942 8980 (krleube at
Administration: Rosmarie Lutziger
Tel. +423 235 1570 (Rosmarie.Lutziger at
Media Matters: Karin Brigl
Tel. +423 235 2344 (karin.brigl at
Conference Program on May 17, 2019
9:00-9:30 Registration/Fee
9:30-9:45 Welcome and Opening by Prince Michael of Liechtenstein
Session I: Biotechnology – Origins, Advances and Current State (9:30-12:00)
9:45-10:00 Chair: Peter Fischer (CH)
10:00-10:30 “From Vaccination to Gene Therapy: What does modern Biotechnology do?” – H.S.H. Princess Therese of Liechtenstein (LI)
10:30-10:45 Discussion
10:45-11:15 Coffee break
11:15-11:45 “Tales of Woe: How Regulation Has Destroyed Entire Sectors of Biotechnology” – Henry I. Miller (USA)
11:45-12:00 Discussion
12:00-13:30 Buffet Luncheon for all participants at conference site
Session II: Organic, Bio, Natural? On Ignorance and Semantic Traps (13:30-15:15)
13:30-13:45 Chair: Vinzenz von Thurn-Valsassina (A/UY)
13:45-14:15 “Überforderte Gesetzgeber: Was unterscheidet konventionelles und genomisches Züchten?” – Klaus Ammann (CH)
14:15-14:30 Discussion
14:30-15:00 “Only Evidence Matters! Towards a Rational Dialogue on GMOs!” – Agnes Ricroch (F)
15:00-15:15 Discussion
15:15 – 15:45 Coffee break
Session III: Shackles on Men’s Mind? On the Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (15:45-18:10)
15:45-16:00 Chair: Henrique Schneider (CH)
16:00-16:30 “On Biotech Crops, Environmental Impact and Climate Change” – Graham Brookes (UK)
16:30-16:45 Discussion
16:45-16:50 Chair
16:50-17:20 “Können GVOs helfen die Welt zu ernähren?” – Matin Qaim (D)
17:20-17:35 Discussion
17:35-18:00 Discussion (general)
18:00-18:10 Farewell address: H.S.H. Prince Michael of Liechtenstein
18:20-18:30 Transportation by bus to the cocktail reception at Vaduz Castle
18:30-19:45 Cocktail Reception at Vaduz Castle
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