ECAEF Update
Interview von Liewo-Redakteur Michael Winkler mit Prinz Michael von und zu Liechtenstein – erscheinen am 13. März 2016 Im Kampf gegen den Terror will die EZB grössere Banknoten abschaffen, zum anderen eine Bargeld-Obergrenze einführen. Dem ganzen steht der Präsident des Think Tanks ECAEF, Prinz Michael von und zu Liechtenstein, kritisch gebenüber. Er wagt im Gespräch […]
GIS statement by Gisela von Liechtenstein* People and economies have always needed means of exchange that represent value and set prices, even in a barter economy. These means of exchange had to have a trusted value and as economies evolved, precious metals, silver and gold served this purpose. As international trading developed, nations relied on […]
An Introduction to the Austrian School of Economics (Seminar) Understanding how society works features a comprehensive innovative curriculum in Austrian Economics, LIECHTENSTEIN ACADEMY tries to get entrepreneurs, individuals and key opinion leaders in politics, the media, and academia interested. We are not awarding degrees. However, our world-class faculty will grant a degree for the individual […]
8th International Vernon Smith Prize Vaduz (FL), February 29, 2016. Essays of the winners of the 8th International Vernon Smith Prize 2015 have now been posted, since all three authors have defended their papers at a special festive event on February 15, 2016 in Vaduz, the Principality of Liechtenstein. 1st Prize: Daniel W. Issing (Germany); Essay: The Snowden […]
“No religion spread as fast as the belief in full employment, and in this roundabout way, allowed governments that had exhausted their tax and borrowing resources to resort to the phony delights of monetary inflation.” Jacques Rueff (1896-1973), 7th Minister of State of Monaco Irresponsible socio-economic and fiscal policy measures with alarming demographic problems and depleted […]