11th International Vernon Smith Prize

The 11th International Vernon Smith Prize for the advancement of Austrian Economics is an essay competition sponsored and organized by ECAEF – European Center of Austrian Economics Foundation, Vaduz (Principality of Liechtenstein). We are calling for papers! This years’ topic:
Obscured by Fake News:
The Politics, Morals, and Limits
of Genetic Engineering
Biotechnological procedures, including genetic modification have been employed successfully in the course of millennia for the making of vital medicines or for selective breeding to generate much of our daily foodstuff. We have used these techniques also in refining plants, in the production of alcoholic beverages, cheeses or for manufacturing garments. And yet, Biotechnology in general and especially Genetic Engineering are subject to controversy, widespread misinformation, and remain shrouded in mystery, characterized by vague apprehensions and common superstitions. Whereas in conventional breeding methods only more or less the same species can be crossed with each other, Genetic Engineering deals with the isolation, characterization, and recombination of genetic material. Although, this new development has endured the extensive rigor of scientific method, together with academic peer-review concluding empirically in support of the new science, the application and commercialization of genetic engineering innovation in the food system from a business perspective are worthy of debate and have policy considerations. For many, Genetic Engineering is a seminal achievement that can be used for life saving drugs, improvements of the environment and GMOs could even help feed the world. Others consider it an untested and dangerous intrusion into nature that needs to be regulated or even outlawed by politics.
We invite papers on this topic addressing not only the socio-political relevance and the moral implications of Genetic Engineering. But also the implications of possible regulations and even limitations of scientific research on the whole.
First Prize: €4,000
Second Prize: €3,000
Third Prize: €2,000
All entries need to meet the following requirements:
1: Entries may be submitted by individuals of up to 30 years (in 2018).
2: Entries may not exceed 12 pgs.; 1.5 space; left/right margins no less then 1 inch; including a full bibliography and a 1/2 page summary
3: Entries must be submitted in English in electronic form (pdf) to krl@ecaef.li and must include a current CV with DoB.
4: Entries must be received on or before November 30, 2018.
5. It is mandatory that all prizewinners participate in the award ceremony in Vaduz.
Prizes are not transferable and will be awarded on the basis of originality, grasp of subject, and the logical consistence of the argument. An international jury will judge the essays and the winners will be invited to present their papers at a special event in Vaduz, the Principality of Liechtenstein on February 4, 2019.