
  A lot has been said and even more has been written about the countless vulnerabilities and hopeless shortcomings of the public education system. Arguments range from its propensity to produce consistently poor results and to inevitably become politically influenced and exploited, to the lack of opportunities that its cookie-cutter approach offers to both academically […]

Übernimmt der Staat zu viel von jenen Aufgaben, die die Eltern übernehmen sollten? Wie verhält es sich zwischen individuellem Glücksanspruch des Kindes und der Notwendigkeit, Leistungen zu erbringen? Journalistin und Sinologin Claudia Wirz im Gespräch mit Karl-Peter Schwarz.

Pauline Dixon on private schools for poor: What happens when governments cannot afford to provide schooling for children within their own countries? What happens when a country is plagued by badly functioning public institutions include the judiciary? What happens when a country has recently emerged from civil war? What happens when governments fail to provide […]

At the “Privatize Education!” 18. Gottfried von Haberler Conference, Neal McCluskey discussed school choice – allowing public funding to go to privately operated educational options chosen by parents, versus going only to assigned schools created and controlled by the government – is an international phenomenon.

Michael Wohlgemuth opening Session 3: “Privatize Education: Examples and Applications” of the Gottfried von Haberler Conference in Vaduz. May 17, 2024.

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