
  Last December, when Milei became President of Argentina, his Minister of Economics, Luis Caputo, implemented a transitory plan to (a) clean up the central bank’s balance sheet and (b) remove all capital controls (cepo cambiario), paving the way for a more permanent monetary regime. It was implicitly suggested that by mid-2024, the transitory plan […]

The implementation of central bank digital currencies as the primary medium of exchange would exacerbate the flaws of our current fiat system which encourage banks to overextend credit and create liabilities that they cannot redeem. This will worsen the already recurring cycles of financial crises, writes Vibhu Vikramaditya. The Bank of England recently proposed a […]

TAKE AWAY Current efforts intercept an estimated 0.1 percent of laundered money Compliance costs for financial institutions topped $274 billion in 2022 A more sophisticated approach will use the latest technologies   Money laundering needs to be combated effectively. Terrorists, illegal arms dealers, traffickers, drug cartels, corrupt politicians, kleptocratic regimes and all sorts of other […]

Fifteen years of stringent regulatory requirements and gloomy macroeconomic conditions have taken a toll on bank profitability, especially in Europe. But lately, a new wave of optimism is spreading over the global banking sector. At first glance, bankers have at least one good reason to be cheerful again. Since July 2022, the European Central Bank lifted interest […]

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