News Archive 2014

Haberler Conference: Schedule released
The XI. Gottfried von Haberler-Conference, organized by ECAEF (The European Center of Austrian Economics), Vaduz, Principality of Liechtenstein, will take place on Friday, May 29, 2015. Topic: “Seid umschlungen Millionen? Der Würgegriff grosser Staaten” (English: “Be embraced, you Millions? Downsize the States, Empower the People!”) This year’s conference schedule just has been released … Read more: GvH Conference 2015

Currency war is destructive to global economy and trade
The euro is losing ground against the US dollar. The European Central Bank’s (ECB) policy of easy money and Quantitative Easing is outpacing the US Federal Reserve, which is indicating tightening money in the future, writes Prince Michael of Liechtenstein. Russia’s rouble is tumbling, and one of the world’s strongest economies, in Singapore, has announced that its Central Bank will intervene to weaken the currency and support Singapore’s competitiveness. … Continue reading -> GIS
European QE funds will not reach the economy
The European Central Bank’s decision to introduce a programme of Quantitative Easing (QE) is not a win-win situation but rather an expression of helplessness, writes Prince Michael of Liechtenstein in his latest GIS statement. The programme, agreed on January 22, 2015, allows the ECB to buy up to 60 billion euros a month in European sovereign debt from March 2015 until September 2016. The total will exceed one trillion euros … Continue reading: GIS
Flat Tax Is Picking Up Steam in Italy
by Alvin Rabushka | Your friendly proprietor recently returned from a trip to Italy where he met with leading Italian politicians and participated in a standing room only conference on the benefits of a 15% flat tax on personal and business income for Italy. Armando Siri, president and founder of the New Italian Party (PIN), first introduced the 15% flat tax to the Italian public … Continue reading ->

Call for Papers: 2015 Summer Research Colloquium
The Institute for Humane Studies, (Mason University, VA) is calling for Papers for the 2015 Summer Research Colloquium. This colloquium brings together top scholars in the humanities and social sciences with student peers for the purpose of giving grad students the unique opportunity to receive constructive criticism of their current work presented in a cordial, interdisciplinary setting.
Eligible proposals must be related to the classical liberal intellectual tradition. Applicants must be currently enrolled in a graduate degree program or entering their graduate studies no later than Fall 2015. Proposals from within the humanities, social sciences, and related scholarly disciplines are encouraged. We welcome both working papers and finished drafts. … Continue reading -> Summer Research Colloquium

True Entrepreneurship happens in free market economies
Address by Herman Mashaba at the Inaugural Herman Mashaba Lecture on Entrepreneurship at Central University of Technology, Bloemfontein (South Africa) in November 2014.
Just over two years ago I received a surprise call from this university with the notice to award me with an Honorary Doctorate in Business Administration by the Faculty of Management Sciences. Now two years later, another total surprise to start an annual Herman Mashaba Lecture on Entrepreneurship. I feel particularly honoured and humbled by this recognition. This annual lecture dedicated to the promotion and development of entrepreneurship could not have come at the better time in the short history of our new country. Entrepreneurship, in particular the promotion of small business development, is something I have dedicated the latter part of my life to … Continue reading -> True Entrepreneurship

Die EU ist kein Rechtsstaat
Mit einem neuen Buch versetzt Carlos A. Gebauer die EU-Turbos in einen Schockzustand. Anhand einer detaillierten und tiefgründigen Analyse der EU-Vertragswerke zeigt er auf, dass die EU das pure Gegenteil des selbst deklarierten «Raums der Freiheit, der Sicherheit und des Rechts ist … Continue reading -> Schweizerzeit

Swiss National Bank showed responsibility in ending policy
The Swiss National Bank (SNB) stabilised the Swiss Franc (CHF) against the euro at a rate of not less than CHF1.20 to one euro for more than three years. Whenever the Swiss franc appreciated beyond this hurdle the SNB bought foreign currency to keep the value of the CHF low … Continue reading -> GIS
Vernon Smith Prize Winners announced
ECAEF announced the winners of last year’s Vernon Smith Prize. 1st price: David J. Hebert (USA), 2nd price: Daniel Sanchez Pinol Yulee (Spain), 3rd price: Andreas Kohl Martinez (France). The winning essay can be read here at soon after the winners ceremony, which takes place on February 23, 2015 in Vaduz, Liechtenstein. Continue reading: VSP 7
Hauptsache alle Menschen sind gleich arm
Hubert Milz kommentiert Pikettys Buch “Das Kapital im 21. Jahrhundert”. Auf einem Symposium des Lord Acton Kreises in Wien wurde Thomas Pikettys Buch eingehend analysiert und einer systematischen Kritik unterzogen. Weiterlesen: ECAEF News

Communism’s Comeback?
by Vaclav Klaus | In the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, we are currently remembering the 25th anniversary of the fall of Communism, one of the most irrational, oppressive, cruel and inefficient political systems in history … Continue Reading: ECAEF News

Alvin Rabushka presents Flat Tax
If you like to be updated on the Flat Tax, watch Alvin Rabushka’s speech at the Institute of Economic Affairs in London, held on November 19, 2014. It’s a 45 minute presentation on why the Flat Tax is good for Britain. Click here ot watch the video: ECAEF News

7th Vernon Smith Prize
The winners of the 7th International Vernon Smith Prize for the Advancement of Austrian Economics will be announced on February 5, 2015 here at, and invited to present their papers at a special event in Vaduz (Principality of Liechtenstein) on February 23, 2015.
Continue Reading: VSP 7

Das Sterben der Fiat-Währungen
Stehen wir vor Hyperinflationen? Zum Thema “Fiat-Währungen” erreichte uns eine neue, sehr alarmierende Graphik von Dr. Werner von Tabarelli. Er ist Geld- und Währungsexperte sowie Stiftungsrat der European Center of Austrian Economics Foundation. Klicken Sie auf das Bild. Hyperinflation

Schulden im 21. Jahrhundert
Daniel Stelter, Gründer des Forums Beyond the Obvious und davor Senior Partner und Managing Director bei The Boston Consulting Group (BCG), widerlegt mit seinem neuen Buch “Die Schulden im 21. Jahrhundert” Thomas Piketty. Stelter zeigt eindrucksvoll, dass Piketty die Bedeutung der Schulden unterschätzt.
Weiterlesen: Buchempfehlung

Collapse of the Welfare State
Will the end of a daydream turn into a nightmare? The first International Jacques Rueff Conference will be a one-day conference, organized and hosted by ECAEF (European Center of Austrian Economics Foundation, FL) in co-operation with CEPROM (Center of Economic Research for Monaco, MC). Mark you Calendar: Monaco, Nov. 6, 2015. Read more: ECAEF News
Abolishing Cash a Danger for Society’s Freedom
Kenneth Rogoff is one of today’s most influential and brilliant economists. He is a professor at Harvard University and was, for some years previously, Chief Economist of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). His opinions are hugely influential and, in his opinion, negative interest rates are necessary to stimulate the economy further in today’s crisis, writes Prince Michael of Liechtenstein. Various GIS reports have mentioned that monetary measures can support the economy but cannot be the sole driver. The success of these measures is more than doubtful.
Continue reading -> GIS
Pope Francis’ Lesson for Europe
Pope Francis gave a wonderful message of hope to Europe and showed a most profound knowledge of Europe’s challenges when he visited the European Parliament on November 25, 2014, writes Prince Michael of Liechtenstein. The Holy Father, a Jesuit from South America, gave guidance to Europe, which is not strange considering our common Christian heritage. The Pope praised the wisdom of the European Union’s founding fathers in launching a huge peace project. But he emphasised rightly, that unity does not mean uniformity and that the increasing harmonisation within the EU is detrimental to the great European idea and tradition. Read more: GIS

XI. Gottfried von Haberler Conference
The XI. Gottfried von Haberler-Conference, organized by ECAEF (The European Center of Austrian Economics), Vaduz, Principality of Liechtenstein, will take place on Friday, May 29, 2015. Topic: “Seid umschlungen Millionen? Der Würgegriff grosser Staaten” (English: “Be embraced, you Millions? Downsize the States, Empower the People!”) Program will be announced here at in due course.

At Last, a Better Way to Economic Measure
This is the press release and additional information about Gross Output, the new macro statistic now being published quarterly by the US Bureau of Economic Analysis. It is the first macro statistic issued by the US since GDP was invented in the 1940s and is the biggest triumph in supply-side economics since Hayek won the Nobel Prize 40 years ago. Read more: Press Release

Europe’s economic predicament
Europe was shocked this week when forecasts were reduced for what was already only tentative economic growth in the eurozone. The news should actually be good. There is, in theory, a plentiful supply of money at close to no cost to enhance consumption, construction and investment in business … Continue reading: GIS

7th Vernon Smith Prize 2014
LAST Call for Papers! The 7th International Vernon Smith Prize is calling for essays on the topic: “Trusting Politicians with Our Money is like Leaving a Cat in Charge of a Cream Jug”. First Prize EUR 4,000. Second Prize EUR 3,000. Third Prize EUR 2,000. Deadline: November 23, 2014. Continue reading: VSP 7

The Revival of Nationalism
Pedro Schwartz: This is the year when we commemorate the start of the I. World War, a ghastly conflict in great parts attributable to the fanning of nationalistic feelings by politicians and soldiers playing power games. The human cost of that war should have forever put an end to the cultivation of tribal feelings in Europe. It was not to be … Continue reading:

Europe follows Japan as Abenomics misses target
When Prime Minister Shinzo Abe returned to office in December 2012, the core of his programme consisted of relaunching Japan’s economy which has been stagnating for more than 20 years in a deflationary trap, writes Prince Michael of Liechtenstein. His programme consisted of a number of ‘arrows’ – measures to fix the economy – which were called ‘Abenomics’ … Continue reading: GIS

Jean Tirole gewinnt Nobel-Preis
Jean Tirole gewinnt den Nobel-Preis 2014. Damit ist er nach G. Debreu (1983) und M. Allais (1988) der dritte Franzose, dem dieser Preis verliehen wurde. Jean Tirole ist Professor an der Universität Toulouse. Weiterlesen: ECAEF News

Was an Pikettys Thesen dran ist
Von Hanno Lorenz. Nun liegt es auch auf Deutsch vor: “Das Kapital im 21. Jahrhundert” von Thomas Piketty, jenes Buch, das in den USA und von dort nach Europa ausstrahlend für ein ökonomisches Werk ungewöhnlich viel Medienaufmerksamkeit bekam … Weiterlesen: Agenda Austria
![]() Europe’s economic predicamentEurope was shocked this week when forecasts were reduced for what was already only tentative economic growth in the eurozone. The news should actually be good. There is, in theory, a plentiful supply of money at close to no cost to enhance consumption, construction and investment in business … Continue reading: GIS |
![]() 7th Vernon Smith Prize 2014LAST Call for Papers! The 7th International Vernon Smith Prize is calling for essays on the topic: “Trusting Politicians with Our Money is like Leaving a Cat in Charge of a Cream Jug”. First Prize EUR 4,000. Second Prize EUR 3,000. Third Prize EUR 2,000. Deadline: November 23, 2014. Continue reading: VSP 7 |
![]() The Revival of NationalismPedro Schwartz: This is the year when we commemorate the start of the I. World War, a ghastly conflict in great parts attributable to the fanning of nationalistic feelings by politicians and soldiers playing power games. The human cost of that war should have forever put an end to the cultivation of tribal feelings in Europe. It was not to be … Continue reading: |
![]() Europe follows Japan as Abenomics misses targetWhen Prime Minister Shinzo Abe returned to office in December 2012, the core of his programme consisted of relaunching Japan’s economy which has been stagnating for more than 20 years in a deflationary trap, writes Prince Michael of Liechtenstein. His programme consisted of a number of ‘arrows’ – measures to fix the economy – which were called ‘Abenomics’ … Continue reading: GIS |
![]() Jean Tirole gewinnt Nobel-PreisJean Tirole gewinnt den Nobel-Preis 2014. Damit ist er nach G. Debreu (1983) und M. Allais (1988) der dritte Franzose, dem dieser Preis verliehen wurde. Jean Tirole ist Professor an der Universität Toulouse. Weiterlesen: ECAEF News |
![]() Was an Pikettys Thesen dran istVon Hanno Lorenz. Nun liegt es auch auf Deutsch vor: “Das Kapital im 21. Jahrhundert” von Thomas Piketty, jenes Buch, das in den USA und von dort nach Europa ausstrahlend für ein ökonomisches Werk ungewöhnlich viel Medienaufmerksamkeit bekam … Weiterlesen: Agenda Austria |
7th Vernon Smith Prize 2014
Call for Papers! The 7th International Vernon Smith Prize is calling for essays on the topic: “Trusting Politicians with Our Money is like Leaving a Cat in Charge of a Cream Jug”. First Prize EUR 4,000. Second Prize EUR 3,000. Third Prize EUR 2,000. Continue reading: VSP 7
10. Haberler-Konferenz: Video
The conference took place on June 27, 2014 in Vaduz, Liechtenstein. It was organized and hosted by ECAEF. The support of the University of Liechtenstein and multiple local and international sponsors was gratefully acknowledged. Simultaneous German/English translation have been provided. Watch video here: KONFERENZ
Abolishing cash is a danger for society’s freedoms
by Prince Michael of Liechtenstein
Read more -> GIS – Geopolitical Information Service
At Last, a Better Way to Economic Measure
by Mark Skousen
Europe’s economic predicament
by Prince Michael of Liechtenstein
Read more -> GIS – Geopolitical Information Service
7th Vernon Smith Prize 2014
LAST Call for Papers!
Continue reading -> VSP 7
The Revival of Nationalism
by Pedro Schwartz
Europe follows Japan as Abenomics misses target
by Prince Michael of Liechtenstein
Read more -> GIS – Geopolitical Informations Service
Jean Tirole gewinnt Nobel-Preis
von Kurt R. Leube
Weiterlesen: NEWS
Was an Pikettys Thesen dran ist
von Hanno Lorenz
Weiterlesen: Agenda Austria
10. Haberler-Konferenz – Video
The conference took place on June 27, 2014 in Vaduz, Liechtenstein. It was organized and hosted by ECAEF.
Watch video here: KONFERENZ
ECAEF Quiz für mündige Bürger!
Diskussionen um Marktwirtschaft, Unternehmertum, Steuern, Umverteilung oder Staatsaufgaben werden meist mit leeren – politisch aber zündenden – Phrasen geführt. Wir wollen mit diesem humorvollen Quiz Ihr wirtschafts- und gesellschaftspolitisches Wissen über geläufige Begriffe testen. Klicken Sie hier: Quiz für mündige Bürger
Europe and Australia’s backward step
by Prince Michael of Liechtenstein
Read more: Geopolitical Information Service
Book: Environmental Markets – A Property Rights Approach
by Terry L. Anderson and Gary D. Libecap
Continue reading: Environmental Markets
Vernon Smith Prize Winners 2013
The Winners of the 6th Vernon Smith Prize are: First Prize (EUR 4,000) Alexander W. Salter (United States, George Mason University). Second Prize (EUR 3,000) Julian F. Mueller (Germany, Technische Universitaet Muenchen). Third Prize (EUR 2,000) Arkadiusz Sieron, (Poland, University of Wroclaw).
Continue reading: VSP 6
Nachruf: Gary Stanley Becker (†2014)
von Kurt R. Leube
Weiterlesen: Nachruf