Henrique Schneider

Originally published on asiasentinel.com The problem of debt in China is not the bursting of a bubble. It is much worse. As the Middle Kingdom approaches the worldwide record of accumulated debt, productivity losses are becoming increasingly apparent. That is very bad news. Every economy relies of a certain amount of debt. That is an […]

GiS Expert View “Pursuing protectionism is like locking oneself in a dark room,” said China’s President Xi Jinping. “Wind and rain may be kept outside, but so is light and air.” Mr. Xi’s words of warning were directed at the new president of the United States. Meanwhile in Washington, Donald Trump erected new barriers to […]

   Man warf ihr vor: „Wer die USA liebt, kann nicht gegen Steuern sein.“ Sie antwortete keck: „Wer das amerikanische Volk liebt, kann nicht für Steuern sein.“ Vivien Kellems Kampf war gegen die Steuer. Und gegen andere Ungleichbehandlungen.    „Unsere Freiheiten existieren, weil Leute bewusst die Gesetze gebrochen haben, wenn ihr Gewissen es so verlangte.“ […]

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