Federico Salazar

by Federico Salazar (Mises Institute, Peru) Eugen Böhm v. Bawerk “Der Zweck der Volkswirtschaft” | This last book commentary was published in Neue Freie Presse, on Feb 2, 1910. I was very lucky to find it during my research for another topic in the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek digital service. Reading Böhm-Bawerk the theorist, the polemicist and […]

by Federico Salazar (Mises Institute, Peru) Looking for some essays by Ludwig von Mises to be translated into Spanish for the new Mises Institute Peru, I was glad to find an unknown and non inventoried review by Mises of a book written in Polish and also a review by Carl Menger on the teaching of […]

Mit Einleitung von Federico Salazar (Mises Peru Institute) Im Namen des Staates is not a very well-known book by Ludwig von Mises. The title refers to such famous dicta as “in name of the Father” or “in the name of God”. To cross from God to State seems quite absurd. But it wasn’t for Ferdinand Lasalle, […]

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