Agnieszka Doleżych
Michael Esfeld im Talk Karl-Peter Schwarz Gottfried-von-Haberler Conference 2024 Michael Esfeld – “Land ohne Mut” Das neue Buch von Michael Esfeld ist ein Aufruf zur Zivilcourage. Durch die Rückkehr zur Vernunft können wir den Angriff der Kollektivisten auf die offene Gesellschaft und den Rechtsstaat abwehren.
In 1992, Sweden went from a highly centralized school system where almost everybody was enrolled in government-operated schools and private alternatives were almost non-existent to one where parents/students could choose between different public schools and – through a voucher system – also among approved private schools. Erik Lakomaa discusses the pros and cons.
Pauline Dixon on private schools for poor: What happens when governments cannot afford to provide schooling for children within their own countries? What happens when a country is plagued by badly functioning public institutions include the judiciary? What happens when a country has recently emerged from civil war? What happens when governments fail to provide […]
At the “Privatize Education!” 18. Gottfried von Haberler Conference, Neal McCluskey discussed school choice – allowing public funding to go to privately operated educational options chosen by parents, versus going only to assigned schools created and controlled by the government – is an international phenomenon.
Claudia Wirz described the ideologization of public schools and its sad consequences. Education must once again become a culture, and performance must again be rewarded in schools. This is a core mandate of the liberal state. The speech was given during “Privatize Education!” 18. International Gottfried von Haberler Conference in Vaduz, Liechtenstein. Enjoy watching!