The International Vernon Smith Prize is an essay competition for the advancement of Austrian Economics – sponsored and organized by ECAEF – the EUROPEAN CENTER OF AUSTRIAN ECONOMICS FOUNDATION, Vaduz (Principality of Liechtenstein). Topic for the 2022 competition: 1st Prize: €4,000 2nd Prize: €3,000 3rd Prize: €2,000 The wisdom that people lose their freedom as soon […]
Heute veröffentlichen wir einen weiteren Video-Mitschnitt von der 16. Gottfried von Haberler Konferenz an der Universität Liechtenstein. Thema: “Über den Rechtspositivismus und das Ende des Rechtsstaats”. Der Vortrag wurde von Henrique Schneider gehalten. Henrique Schneider studierte Ökonomie in der Schweiz, Deutschland, Österreich, USA und China. Er ist der Chefökonom des Schweizerischen Gewerbeverbands SGV in Bern. […]
14th International Vernon Smith Prize – Winner Announcement | An international jury did judge the essays and the three winners are now invited to present their papers at a special virtual event on 7 February, 2022. Due to Corona restrictions, the organisers did again choose the virtual option.
The Arrogation of Knowledge and its Consequences Niels Behrmann Second Prize in Vernon Smith Prize Contest 2021. Abstract In this essay, I explore the consequences of the methodologically misguided over-confidence in the human ability to gain knowledge and to design a society based on that knowledge. I will defend the hypothesis that such arrogation of […]
Economics Set Free: In Defense of Hayek David Andrew McMillan First Prize in Vernon Smith Prize Contest 2021. Abstract Policymakers treat economics mysteries as a series of economics puzzles or optimization problems: If only we had more data, they claim, our predictions would be more accurate and evidence-based interventions would deliver greater benefits. The […]